Monday, September 14, 2009

Mission Espada

This past weekend i visited and toured Mission Espada. I have only vsited the mission once before when i was in the 2nd grade. So i really didn't know much about Mission Espada until now. Going there now, i really took this opportunity to actually comprehend and understand the purpose of the mission and how it came to be. As we began the tour i quickly found out that the mission was established in 1731. It was built by the Native Americans of South texas under the direction from the Spaniards. The purpose of the mission was to be used as a church where the Spaniards converted the Native Americans to catholicism. Something i found very interesting was that a couple of years ago there was a power shortage in the chapel that sparked a fire. They later discovered that one of the saints that was ruined in th fire had 12k gold underneath the outerlayer of wood. there was sectional off to the side of the mission that was labeled "The Granary". This was where they kept their melons, chilies, spices, corn, sugar etc. This drew the attention of the other Native Americans around Mission Espada. I pictured sort of a small farmers market. As we walked the grounds of Mission Espada gospel music echoed throughout the mission. This was very soothing and relaxing to me. Overall, visiting Mission Espada was a gret experience for me. I highly recommend others to take the time to visit Mission Espada and learn more about the history of my community...beautiful South Texas.

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